Mirantis Training Testimonials

See what students say about Mirantis Training

“The CN 251 bootcamp gave me a good understanding of how Kubernetes actually works, using very nice hands-on exercises to see it in action.”

- IT Professional, Large Financial Institution

“You can learn k8s on your own. There is plenty of material. But this training condenses into 4 days a large amount of topics, from basic to advanced, that would take ages to assemble on your own. Definitely a must take. But definitely not as a 101, even though it covers the 101s. You’d get more out of this class if you come prepared with some knowledge of the platform already.”

- Yannick Meillier, Solutions Architect, VMware Inc.

“I have been struggling with OpenStack for the past year and run in couple of severe problems, mostly due to lack of skills. I decided to up my OpenStack game, started researching online and found that you, Mirantis, are the best structured course provider out there. Congratulations on creating this course and keep up the good work!”

- Nickola Naous, Chief Information Officer, TMDHosting, Inc

“ Kubernetes & Docker was a very informative class. Devin is very knowledgeable and kept the right pace to not only get through the material, but to also answer questions. I would definitely take another class with Devin and Mirantis. This training session was extremely helpful.”

- Robert Collura, Systems Engineer

“You’ll learn just about everything you would need to know about OpenStack.”

- Yoko Hyakuna, Curriculum Developer, Apcera

“Helps you understand using an open source virtualization tool enabling you to eliminate dependency on costly tools like VMWare.”

- Chris Rand, Consulting Systems Engineer, CIena

CN 252 is an excellent course for the advanced application developer who wants to learn containerized application development.

- DevOps Engineer, Investment Management Organization

“A 3-day class that quickly gets you up and running with the OpenStack basics, which allowed me to have more relevant conversations with customers.”

- Simon Stevens, Advisory Systems Engineer, EMC

“This class is the 2nd step to get a deeper hands-on installation experience for OpenStack.”

- Julio Colon, Consultant Software Engineer, EMC

“Mirantis’s training is based on absolutely “Pure” OpenStack. This is one of the reasons, you should choose it. It is too hard to learn individual manner of each distribution.”

- Hajime Miyamoto, Senior Engineer, KDDI

The CN 252 bootcamp is organized well and is very valuable in understanding how Docker and Kubernetes works.

- Kubernetes Developer, Healthcare Organization

“Mirantis Training is the perfect place to get into the reality of OpenStack. The most beneficial parts for me were the general overview of OpenStack and the deep-dive into Nova networking. The hands-on workshop was also very helpful for learning to deploy OpenStack. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a clear, unbiased overview of OpenStack.”

- Aravinthan Gopalasingham, Research Engineer, Alcatel-Lucent

“The training and exam definitely take you to the next level of OpenStack administration. Key concepts are not only explained in detail, but matching practice assignments make it an effective learning experience. The trainer was very professional and delivered skills and knowledge very well during whole training.”

- Prasad Chandratre, System Engineer, Nokia Networks

“I would highly recommend Mirantis OpenStack training. The technical depth was excellent. Processes of authorization with tokens, databases, RabbitMQ and others were explained very well. After every section, an online test was conducted in order to verify the learning results, as students learned how to set up OpenStack manually. Troubleshooting was explained very thoroughly and well structured. Every participant had a dedicated OpenStack cluster for practical work. The real life implementation with HA and other considerations was discussed.

From my point of view, the instructor provided additional value. He was experienced in all fields, even outside OpenStack.

The class was very good. I was able to extract the maximum in knowledge in three days.”

- Alexander Löw, Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange AG, Germany