Frequently Asked Questions

Why train with us?

We are known for our high- quality cloud agnostic curriculum that can provide you with the right level of expertise and guidance you need while being fully engaged. No other learning provider provides vendor-agnostic training in Kubernetes and Openstack.

What is the Mirantis On-demand Platform?

We’ve combined our cloud expertise with advanced learning methodologies to bring you the best online learning experience on a seamless platform. We now make getting Kubernetes and OpenStack certified engaging!

What can I  expect the experience to be?

We have put you, the learner, at the center of everything we do. You will have an interactive experience that builds on what you already know. We designed this based on the feedback we’ve received and continuously encourage questions and unique interests from you related to any topic. We did this while embracing fun and interactive learning through gamification. 

We focus on active learning pillars founded on dialogue with learners both with the instructor and fellow classmates. It's key that they construct their own knowledge, which is important to them retaining key learnings. In every course we have embedded quizzes aimed at testing knowledge retention.

Am I able to get a refund for my courses?

Our courses are highly rated with an overall rating of 8.7 out of 10 across various pillars. From course content, to learning experience, and instructor. We take customer satisfaction very seriously and your feedback is important to us. At the end of every course we will ask you to take a voluntary survey to gather key insights into your experience with us. Due to the nature of the online course we cannot offer you a refund, but we will ensure to work with you to improve your experience with us. 

Do the on-demand courses come with Labs?

Absolutely, our labs are the heart of our learning experience!  The integration of our real-world labs is unique. We don't just simulate the environment and provide simulated feedback. The commands our learners use are actual real commands that build on a cloud project(s) relevant to the course learnings on real infrastructure. This allows learners to learn by doing. 

How does the on-demand course work and what is the format?

The on-demand sessions allow you to access our class labs & materials at your own pace. After purchasing an on-demand seat, you will be provided instant access to our self learning portal.  The learning portal is where you will find all the Theory deliverables (presented as a recording of our instructor) as well as prompts to launch & access your labs when you reach that stage.

How long have you been doing this?

We’ve been in the business since 2012 providing best in class training to Fortune 100 and corporate clients. We’ve trained more than 40,000 learners worldwide to date.

What’s the setup needed to take the On Demand course?

Please ensure that your workstation and network meets these requirements.

Base requirements

  1. A stable internet connection.

  2. A supported browser (Chrome v51+, Mozilla Firefox, Edge 79+).

  3. A screen resolution of at least 1280x720

Network requirements

  1. Port 443 is open.

  2. WebSocket traffic is allowed in the organization's firewall (both ws and wss).


You can use this tool to check whether the port is opened and WebSocket traffic is allowed.

These following domains must be accessible to you:

For the main application to work

  1. (You can check that it's available by going to




For Lab the editor to work



Lab Bandwidth Requirements

The required bandwidth is expected to be around 5-10mbps (mbit). That's for regular, continuous work within the labs.

How long will I have access to the course?

Our on-demand subscriptions last for 1 year from the date of purchase.

How much lab time will be provided?

Cloud based lab access varies between courses and bootcamps anywhere between 8-40 hours of hands-on access. The majority of our bootcamp(s) come with 40 hours of lab-access. Additional lab time can be purchased as well. Note: If additional lab-time is requested before lab credits run out we can preserve your current lab. If the allotted time has elapsed the new lab will not have any of your previous work. 

Can I still have access to a course after I have completed it?

You will have access to the course materials for (1) year from the date of purchase.

I completed the course, where can I find my certificate?

Upon completing the course, you will be given the option to generate your own Certificate of Completion and badge within our Self-paced training portal.

Will I be able to download the labs and course materials?

Due to the content being intellectual property, the content is not available for download.

Who do I contact if I need support? 

Please direct any questions to and the team will respond in 24 hours.