
Mirantis Container Cloud (MCC) Bootcamp

Rapidly adopt containerization, Kubernetes and cluster deployment at scale with Mirantis Container Cloud. (CN100 + CN120 + CN211)


In this intense bootcamp, you’ll encounter containers for the first time, learn to orchestrate them into scalable, highly available applications orchestrated by Kubernetes, and finally begin deploying production grade Kubernetes clusters through Mirantis Container Cloud. This bundle is ideal for students who are just starting out with containerization and want to leverage the full power of Kubernetes across multiple clusters and teams. Students will leave the workshop with a proof of concept Mirantis Container Cloud deployment on AWS.

Who Should Attend

This course is targeted at students with the following:

  • Motivations: Quickly learn the foundations of containerization and orchestration with Kubernetes, and deploy multiple Kubernetes clusters to AWS.

  • Roles: System Operators & Administrators

Lab Requirements

  • An AWS account with root access to all AWS features (important note: each student must have access to a separate AWS account – multiple IAM users or roles in the same account are not guaranteed to work).

  • Laptop with WiFi connectivity

  • Attendees should have the latest Chrome or Firefox installed, and a free account at

Course Objectives

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